Created in collaboration with nutritionists, dysphagia doctors, and culinary experts
All Ristosano Home products for dysphagics are the result of extensive research and study by nutritionists and dysphagia specialists. The recipes of the dishes for dysphagics, also developed with the support of chefs and cooking experts, are designed so that the product is identical to the traditional dish in taste and aroma and different only in homogeneous texture.
Produced from 100% natural processes and raw materials
Ristosano Home dysphagic foods contain only natural and quality ingredients, are free of glutamate, palm or coconut fat, hydrogenated fats and GMOs, and undergo all-natural dehydration processes, as do all the flours we use in our daily diet.
Safe in textures and nutritional intake
Each dish, thanks to the rheometric control of each production batch, is safe in terms of textures and thus contributes to the prevention of adverse events such as ab ingestis pneumonia.
Each dish also ensures adequate caloric and protein intakes aimed at ensuring an effective nutritional plan to maintain proper BMI as well as muscle mass.
Tasty and easy to prepare
The goal of our products is to reconcile the safety of textures and nutritional intake with the taste of traditional flavors and the pleasure of food, contributing to a person's well-being both nutritionally and emotionally and affectively.
Dishes are quick and easy to prepare thanks to the kit that you can purchase on our website.